Job Searching when your over 50 can be a challenge.
Many worry what they will face in the job market and how to be most effective. Truly most of the tips and advice really crossover to those in their 40's and 30's too. It's never too early to regularly take a step back and assess your career strategy. At JLM Consulting we specialize in helping people who are in the second stage of their career navigate the transition from one opportunity to the next and keep on top of current market trends for job searching.
Here are some tips:
Create an ageless resume. This means focusing on your last 10-15 years of work experience. Leave dates off your graduation information. Write a resume for an ATS. ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System. These are used by companies to match applicants to job openings. The key here is make sure your resume incorporates keywords that you know the prospective employer or recruiter is looking for. How will you know what these are? Do your homework and research the types of jobs you will be applying to, read the job descriptions and jot down any word trends that make sense for you to add to your resume. Also keep your resume simply stated and focus on any quantifiable accomplishments. Remember it's likely that you will be interviewing with a human, so keep your resume human like (avoid fluff or oversell) and targeted.
Keep on top of trends. Keeping on top of the latest trends in your field or industry gives you competitive advantage and keeps you current. Explore and practice all the latest technologies being used in business. If you don't know what Skype, Google Hangouts, Zoom, GoToMeeting, Zoho, WebEx are, now is the time to get familiar with them. Video Interviewing is also becoming increasingly popular, especially around start-up's, those offering remote work, and small businesses. If you have never used the webcam on your computer. Try it out and get comfortable with it.
Keep engaged within your field, remain part of professional groups or organizations where you can network and increase your knowledge. Get on LinkedIn if your not already.
Look The Part. Yes I had to get rid of my 80's pinstripe slacks and my puffy career blouse. Stick to classic professional neutral dressing for the interview, but make sure you fit in with whatever the day to day culture is for that particular company - remember it needs to be a match at both sides.
Take personal stock - from a pure physical standpoint. Overall physical appearance can play a part in the interview process. Maintaining a healthy state through diet and exercise, as well as good grooming, are not just important for your overall health, it's important for the image you want to project, i.e. to a prospective employer.
Remember your value add. Don't underestimate your wealth of career experience and knowledge. If you are staying in the same field, more often than not, you probably know all the challenges that a prospective employer is facing related to whatever it is that you do. How do you know? Because you have been there already. Share your success stories and accomplishments in a relatable way. Yes, you get it and the person at the other side will see the value in that.
For more suggestions, or to schedule a coaching session, please visit our website www.jlmcareers.com or email info@jlmcareers.com